Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Apply engineering design techniques to solve engineering problems.
Construct engineering technical drawings by hand or using CAD, to communicate concepts, detail designs, assemblies and manufacturing intent.
Design a prototype device and validate its real-world performance to comply with safety and specific rules.
Manage a complex engineering project within the limitations of cost, human factors, sustainability and rules or standards compliance.
Interpret the technical issues and performance of prototype device built.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Continuous assessment: 100%
Supplementary assessment
Supplementary assessment is not available for this unit. Check the supplementary assessments page for details about exemptions.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
The following item is mandatory for practical aspects of the unit and should be purchased at your own cost as you will be reusing them throughout your course.
- Calculator
- Compulsory workbook - Approximately AUD15
- Materials: pen, pencil, eraser, ruler - Approximately AUD15
- Prototyping materials - Approximately AUD100
Availability in areas of study
E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Mechanical engineering
E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Robotics and mechatronics engineering
E6011 Master of Professional Engineering - Specialisation: Mechanical engineering
Minor: Smart manufacturing