
Every city is unique in its history, community, and sustainability challenges. Transformation toward positive urban futures requires thoughtful, collaborative action from all sectors and local communities. Climate change, population growth and rapid urbanisation pose particularly significant threats to the sustainability and resilience of cities; however, most urban planning and resource … For more content click the Read More button below. This unit introduces you to key principles of the Net Zero emissions and Water Sensitive Cities (WSC) paradigms, drawing on Monash University’s leading international research and practice in both areas. Together with principles of social innovation, these provide powerful guiding frameworks for rethinking our urban landscapes. In this unit, you will learn creative futuring methods to envision radically transformed sustainable cities, and devise place-based approaches and innovative pathways to achieve them. Integrating insights from social sciences, strategic foresight, urban planning, engineering, ecology and design, the unit will expand what you think is possible. You will encounter real-world urban innovations on Monash’s ‘living laboratory’ campus, meet industry experts, and learn how to apply tools and strategies to influence positive change in your chosen career context.




Chief Examiner(s)

Mr David Robertson

Unit Coordinator(s)

Mr Stathi Paxinos

Teaching approach

Field trips
Active learning
Problem-based learning


1 - Case study analysis
2 - Design challenge
3 - Ongoing learning

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements

Off campus attendance requirements

Learning resources

Recommended resources