
This unit, together with ENS5010, sets the context for considering the interactions and interdependence between nature and society and the basic principles of sustainability (social, economic and environmental), as reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals. This unit explores the values and perspectives of stakeholders alongside existing social structures that inform … For more content click the Read More button below. Within society there are varied understandings of the relationships between the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability. How sustainability is viewed and addressed is shaped by a diversity of multi-stakeholder perspectives and value systems along with their capacity to influence economic, regulatory, and policy regimes. This unit develops your capacity to map and critically analyse: i) multi-stakeholders and social structures affecting sustainability; ii) different ideological, cultural, philosophical, psychological and disciplinary perspectives on sustainability; and, iii) their implications for policy making, development of business cases, disciplinary research, and action.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Mr David Robertson
Professor Megan Farrelly

Unit Coordinator(s)

Professor Peter Adey
Dr Andrea Cuesta Claros

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Evaluate and critique the historical roots, conceptual notions, frameworks and current debates on sustainability and sustainable development.


Examine environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability, and their interactions, through analysing different philosophical and ideological values and perspectives on sustainability and sustainable development.


Recognise the complex economic, regulatory and policy regimes that stakeholders influence and are shaped by.


Integrate the perspectives of different disciplines within an interdisciplinary context.


Plan practical courses of action, policy-making and business cases by considering and analysing the implications of differing stakeholder perspectives and social structures.


Construct, articulate and effectively communicate critical and analytical arguments, in oral and written form, relevant to discussions of sustainability worldviews and philosophies.

Teaching approach

Problem-based learning
Peer assisted learning
Online learning
Active learning
Enquiry-based learning
Role play
Case-based teaching


1 - Critical essay
2 - Stakeholder essay
3 - Sustainability debate and negotiation
4 - Reflective statement
5 - Perusall readings

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources
Recommended resources

Availability in areas of study

International sustainable tourism management