
This unit explores cutting-edge research in the area of brain function, specifically looking at the sensation and higher brain function in humans. You will learn about the way the brain functions normally to analyse sensory information and control behaviour, and how brain damage leads to clinical dysfunction of perception and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Enrol in PHY3111

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Describe how sensory information is signalled by neurons from peripheral receptor organs to the brain areas processing sensory input.


Compare and contrast how neuroscience techniques help scientists understand the structure and function of the central nervous system.


Explain how the control of actions and perceptions change according to the context of what sensory information is presented.


Evaluate how damage to the nervous system might alter sensory functions and the associated behaviours.


Work collaboratively to design and develop their own scientific research project.


Critically evaluate the scientific literature, to test a hypothesis, construct a scientific report and demonstrate data analysis skills.

Teaching approach

Active learning
Research activities
Problem-based learning

Assessment summary

Continuous assessment: 60

Final assessment: 40

Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources

Availability in areas of study

E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Biomedical engineering