Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Analyse the regulatory frameworks, human ethics and sustainable practices that guide the production of medical devices to justify different paths to market approval.
Review and evaluate conceptual designs of new medical technology devices to identify gaps and opportunities to make an impact in the health industry.
Respond to feedback from patient and health professional stakeholders through the proposal of new hypothetical but feasible medical technology devices after reflection and synthesis of collected knowledge.
Research and synthesise knowledge gathered from Australian and international medtech business cases to develop a business plan taking into consideration manufacturing, technical and financial feasibility.
Justify through presentations the outcomes of patient and health professional consultation and the resultant medical device business plan to a wide audience.
Function as an effective team member by participating in all group activities and conducting regular self- and peer-assessment of individual and team performance.
Assessment summary
Continuous assessment: 70%
Final assessment: 30%
This unit contains hurdle requirements that you must achieve to be able to pass the unit. You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component and at least 45% in the final assessment component. The consequence of not achieving a hurdle requirement is a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
The following item is mandatory for the unit's laboratory activities and must be purchased at your own cost:
- Laboratory notebook - A4 size and must be bound with non-removable, numbered pages. [Example]
Availability in areas of study
Minor: Medical technology