
This unit provides foundation knowledge for analogue circuit analysis and design. The fundamentals of linear electronic circuit analysis and design will be introduced alongside the development of skills in using industry-standard prototyping and measurement tools for these tasks. The topics covered in this course include DC and sinusoidal steady-state analysis, … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit will provide a grounding in circuit theory leading to solutions of electrical networks with node and mesh analysis, equivalent sources and circuits, and simulation. AC analysis with phasors, first and second-order transient responses will be included.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Associate Professor Bill Corcoran

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Tian Goh
Associate Professor Bill Corcoran
Dr Patrick Ho
Dr Gayathri Kongara

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Derive the governing equations in transient and steady-state operation of linear electrical circuits, using a range of standard techniques in the time and frequency domain.


Analyse circuits containing amplifiers, diodes, and transistors using simple models.


Describe the impact of real-world phenomena on the non-ideal operation of the active components modelled.


Determine the relative accuracy of different approaches to analysing a circuit, such as industry-standard simulation tools, real-world measurements, and hand calculations.


Select appropriate circuit topologies for analogue functions abstracted as functional circuit blocks, and the appropriate component values required to meet real world performance specifications.

Teaching approach

Peer assisted learning
Simulation or virtual practice
Active learning
Online learning

Assessment summary

Continuous assessment: 60%

Final assessment: 40%

This unit contains threshold and competency hurdle requirements that you must achieve to be able to pass the unit. You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component and at least 45% in the final assessment component. The consequence of not achieving a hurdle requirement is a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.


1 - Learning competencies
2 - Mid-semester test
3 - Assignments
4 - Workshop-related activities
5 - Project activities
6 - Final assessment

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities

Applied sessions
Practical activities

Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources
Technology resources

Other unit costs

In this unit, you are required to acquire an “ElecLab Toolkit”. Information regarding how to acquire one on your campus is available on this webpage.

Availability in areas of study

E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Biomedical engineering
E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Electrical and computer systems engineering
E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Robotics and mechatronics engineering
E6011 Master of Professional Engineering - Specialisation: Electrical engineering
Minor: Power and energy systems engineering
Minor: Sensory systems in Industry 4.0