
What forces, ancient and modern, formed our planet? Can reading the rocks and landscapes help us to better understand our natural environment, and transition to a more sustainable future?  You will learn about processes related to geological evolution including structural geology, metamorphism and geomorphology that have contributed to the creation … For more content click the Read More button below. If you choose to focus on geological interpretations, you will use these observations for the assessments and to construct a litho-structural geological map, a cross-section predicting geometries in the third dimension and decipher the geological history of a complex poly-deformed metamorphic terrain, in a classic field location of Australian geology. If you choose to focus on landscapes, you will understand why landscapes look the way they do, what processes create them, and how to infer aspects of climate and geology context from them. You will analyse sites which serve as examples for understanding fluvial, alluvial, hillslope and aeolian geomorphic processes. The unit assessment will focus on the collection and interpretation of data characterising these landscapes. You will conduct land and hydrological surveys and learn how to interpret sediments and develop valuable skills in any geoscience careers.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Laurent Ailleres

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Andrew Gunn
Dr Laurent Ailleres


This is a field-based unit which allows you to apply and develop your earth science skills while immersed in real-world environments.

The unit begins with 4 half-day workshops at the beginning of the Winter Semester, followed by one 14-day field trip (including travel) during the mid-year vacation.

During the field trip, you may choose to focus on geological or geomorphological processes, allowing you to develop field skills most relevant to your interests. If you choose a geological focus, you must have completed one of EAE3531, EAE3511 or EAE2532 or have an exemption from the Chief Examiner

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Demonstrate practical experience in problem formulation and solution using field-based techniques of survey and analysis;


Communicate your understanding through enhanced oral and written communication skills, including reporting of spatial data;


Work in a team environment and communicate with peers;


Make, interpret and report observations;


Develop scientific hypothesis from these observations and design tests for these hypotheses;


A pply new skills to analyse the geomorphic and geologic evolution of an area;


Analyse multi-scale processes through space and time.

Teaching approach

Field trips
Active learning


1 - Major assessment
2 - Practical work
3 - Workshop assessment
4 - Field performance

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities

Practical activities

Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Fourteen day field trip (including travel) approximate cost $1100.

Adequate clothing and protective footwear (closed) appropriate for field work and working outdoors MUST be worn and are at student cost.

Availability in areas of study

Earth science