
This unit focuses on processing and interpretation of geophysical datasets to prepare you for employment beyond your degree. The use of geophysical datasets to assist in understanding Earth systems and the Earth sub-surface is a desired skill for many geoscience career paths. This unit will provide an understanding of the … For more content click the Read More button below. The material in the unit will cover methods for collection and processing data, strategies to interpret the geophysical data, with an emphasis on regional gravity and magnetic data, radiometric data, and electromagnetic datasets. These data will be interpreted in the context of geological, geographical and environmental problems. The workshops will provide you with hands on experience in visualising and interpreting data for a variety of applications and relevant problems. These will provide you with the skills set to complete a major project.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Angela Afonso Rodrigues

Unit Coordinator(s)

Professor Peter Betts
Dr Angela Afonso Rodrigues

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Demonstrate the basic physical principles of several geophysical methods;


Understand how geophysical datasets are collected and processed so they can be interpreted by expert geoscientist and environmental scientists


Demonstrate the use of geophysics to assist society achieve the United Nations Sustainability Goals for 2030


Undertake an interpretation of multiple geophysical datasets to solve complex geological, geographical and environmental problems related to the subsurface of the Earth;


Integrate large and multiple datasets to resolve geological, geographical and environmental problems;


Complete a multi week project and communicate major findings via a map, oral presentation and a written report;


Develop decision making skills based on data that provides ambiguous solution;


Assess confidence levels, uncertainty, extrapolation of surface observations to the subsurface, and develop rapid 3D visualisation skills.

Teaching approach

Online learning
Active learning
Work-integrated learning


1 - Online quizzes
2 - Workshop assignments
3 - Major project
4 - Presentation of project outcomes

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Earth science