
From the humid tropics to the polar deserts, Earths diverse array of climates are the result of complex physical, chemical and biological processes and their interactions. This unit provides an introduction to the Earth's climate system and its operation. You will gain an appreciation of Earths climate, including the atmosphere, … For more content click the Read More button below.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Shayne McGregor

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Shayne McGregor


One half-day long (on campus) field trip taking atmospheric measurements; to be held on a weekend during semester.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Define the concept of 'climate' and recognise key processes that regulate the climate system on the global, regional and micro-scales;


Demonstrate how various elements of the climate system are measured and observed, including describing the instruments employed, how they operate, and their application to real-world climate problems;


Examine why the climate system varies on a number of time and space scales.  Demonstrate some of the key physical mechanisms and their interactions that cause these variations, and appreciate their complexity;


Recognise and summarise some of the modifications made by humans that can influence the climate and the associated processes by which this occurs;


Communicate complex concepts in climate system science to scientific and non-scientific audiences.

Teaching approach

Active learning
Field trips


1 - Practical quizzes
2 - Topic quizzes
3 - Major assignment: Self-guided essay
4 - Field day report
5 - Examination (2 hours and 10 minutes)

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Learning resources

Recommended resources

Other unit costs

Adequate clothing and protective footwear (closed) appropriate for field work and working outdoors MUST be worn and are at student cost.

Availability in areas of study

Climate and atmospheric science
Earth science
Environmental science
Geographical science
Human geography