Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Critically review the scientific literature in their discipline;
Understand, discuss and actively participate in the design, development and implementation of a research project;
Execute, analyse and evaluate a set of laboratory-based exercises, showing an improved ability to work with minimal supervision and to implement their own ideas;
Demonstrate proficiency in computer-based literature searching word processing and other computer programs commonly used in their chosen chemistry discipline;
Experience then discuss the breadth and diversity of the chemical sciences, specifically through, but not limited to, attendance at seminars;
Demonstrate proficiency in safe work practices for a chemical laboratory, including the use of MSDS and the performance of risk assessments;
Synthesise and present in a format suitable for the discipline, experimental results and data analysis associated with the research project;
Present orally the scientific research findings to an appropriate expert audience;
Integrate the research findings from the project into the larger context of research in that particular field, primarily through completion of the required thesis;
Demonstrate the capability to learn new technical skills within the research project ambit and use these proficiently and safely.