Chief Examiner(s)
Learning outcomes
outline the major risks and related prudential requirements faced by banks and to assess factors to consider in managing these risks
evaluate the various mathematical techniques available to manage interest rate risk including the maturity model, the duration model and the repricing model
evaluate mathematical models in relation to managing credit risk for individual loans and to the loan portfolio
identify suitable qualitative and quantitative indicators of financial institutions' performance
distinguish the various sources of commercial and retail debt funding including liability management, and analyse how the current Australian banking system provides access to such funds
sequence the Basel framework as used in Australia, but emanating from the Basel Committee at the global level
be able to clearly and effectively communicate solutions, applying the knowledge in above areas, in a distinctly logical manner in relation to activities dealing with the management of financial institutions and demonstrate in an individual summative assessment task the acquisition of a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered by BFC3170.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change. Electronics, calculators and tools: $100