Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Explain our current understanding of the function and relationships of key organelles; and convey obvious gaps in our knowledge;
Outline how different organelles are formed, positioned, inherited and disposed of and how these organelles respond to a changing environment;
Use your understanding of the mechanisms that target and move proteins to the correct organelle to explain how protein mis-localisation and organelle dysfunction may lead to human disease;
Discuss how the application of fluorescence-based imaging and other technologies enhances our understanding of cells, organelles and cellular proteins;
Design, plan, organise and successfully execute laboratory experiments relevant to molecular cell biology, and analyse, interpret and clearly report the results in conventional scientific formats;
Conduct literature-based research, identify key knowledge and concepts and build coherent arguments and explanations either in writing or in oral presentations;
Work effectively as a pair or in a group to achieve academic tasks collaboratively with respect for each other.