
This capstone unit consolidates general knowledge about Japan and its popular culture by approaching popular cultures as a means by which personal and national identities are constructed. Popular culture, in this instance, is considered as a directive as well as a reflection of collective ideology. The genre of manga and … For more content click the Read More button below.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Jason Jones

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Jason Jones

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Japanese literacy and communicative competence: Building on the competence in Japanese acquired through earlier studies, students will be able to identify and comprehend genre-specific features of Japanese evident in the popular culture genres studied and demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which they reflect and construct the social meanings embedded in the texts.


English literacy and communication skills: students will express ideas about Japanese culture and society verbally and in writing in sophisticated and nuanced ways through tutorial discussions and essay writing.


Knowledge about Japanese language, society and culture: through the study and critique of Japanese popular cultural representations, students will problematicise social concepts already learned and develop their own critical frameworks for understanding these genres.


Cross-cultural and inter-cultural competence: through the study of Japanese popular culture, students will have the opportunity to reflect on meanings associated with their own popular culture and national identity.


World view and ethical values: Through exploring social issues (gender roles, personal identity, national identity, age hierarchy) in lectures, tutorials and written assignments students will reflect on their social values, respect for diversity and the ethical conduct and communication of research.


Research skills: Students will develop and demonstrate independent research skills and critical thinking through their research projects, and further develop a personal voice in their understanding of the research literature.

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Participation
2 - Analytical exercise
3 - Quiz/Quizzes
4 - Exercise/s
5 - Essay

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Global asia
Japanese studies