
This unit builds on the foundations of Leadership for Social Change and Agency and Social Change. The unit will provide a forum in which students will bring together both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary skills that they have acquired over their study and synthesise this knowledge to formulate practical and innovative approaches … For more content click the Read More button below.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Frances Egan

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Frances Egan


  • This unit is an international study program going to Sabah, Malaysia that requires an application to be enrolled and may incur additional cost.
  • This unit is taught either in intensive mode or across standard teaching periods. For intensive mode teaching dates, please refer to the non-standard dates website for the census date and information regarding financial penalties.
  • This unit is a core unit for the Bachelor of Global Studies.

Teaching approach

Role play
Peer assisted learning
Research activities
Problem-based learning
Active learning
Case-based teaching
Enquiry-based learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Multimedia presentation
2 - In-class test
3 - Reflection
4 - Essay

Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
International study tour cost estimate for planning purposes - $4,960
Expenses of a personal nature (e.g. visas, entrance fees, meals etc.) may also be at participant's expense unless specifically included in the tour arrangements.

Availability in areas of study

Global studies