
The study tour will immerse students in the German language, and will enable them to develop a critical understanding of significant moments in the development of German culture, history and politics, as they are evident in Berlin, Frankfurt Oder, Potsdam and Weimar (the Prussian era, the German Reich ("Kaiserzeit") from … For more content click the Read More button below. Since the Fall of the Wall in 1989 and German unification in 1990, Berlin has once more become one of the most significant cultural and political centres in Europe. An intensive study tour of Berlin and surroundings will present students with the opportunity to explore in-depth important historical moments and cultural movements, by immersing themselves in the language, as well as in German cultural and social life. Students will examine a wide variety of political and cultural discourses and debates (i.e. the discourse of remembrance, "Vergangenheitsbewltigung" [coming-to-terms-with-the-past], debates on unification, Germany and the EU), in order to develop their own research question/project, and their video documentary. The unit combines semi-intensive language classes, guided visits to museums, and historical sites in Berlin and Potsdam, a seminar series on German culture and history, and exposure to German cultural and social life (i.e. visits to theatres). The Berlin visit is complemented by a two-day excursion to Weimar to develop an understanding of German cultural history at the turn from the 18th to the 19th century (Weimar Classicism, Goethe, Schiller), and a visit of the Kleist-Museum in Frankfurt Oder. , as well as the history of the Holocaust (visit to Buchenwald concentration camp).


Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Associate Professor Christiane Weller

Unit Coordinator(s)

Associate Professor Christiane Weller
Associate Professor Franz-Josef Deiters


Students will undertake a two-week intensive study tour to Berlin, Germany

  • This unit is an international study program that requires an application to be enrolled and may incur additional cost.
  • This unit is not offered in 2025.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Explain the cultural and historical significance of Berlin, Frankfurt Oder, Potsdam and Weimar within the German and European context, the complexity of German political and cultural life, and the intricacies of historical developments before and after WWII;


Communicate multifaceted and complex issues in German;


Critically examine cultural artefacts (i.e. art collections, historical collections and museums, memorials/commemorative sites), and the discursive frameworks of political and cultural discourses which accompany and frame the situations of post-unification Berlin;


Extrapolate critical theory approaches to broader European and global challenges, and relate these approaches to their own field of interest or discipline;


Deploy theoretical tools and research skills to analyse relevant case studies on topics provided or chosen for assessment;


Employ research and digital literacy skills to communicate research.

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%

Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
International study tour cost estimate for planning purposes - $4,500
Expenses of a personal nature (e.g. visas, entrance fees, meals etc.) may also be at participant's expense unless specifically included in the tour arrangements.

Availability in areas of study

European languages