Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
This unit is not offered in 2025.
Learning outcomes
Understand most of the contents of spoken Japanese in direct formal exposition and audio-visual media, such as Japanese movies;
Read and understand Japanese literary works, Japanese captions and related materials with the assistance of dictionaries;
State their opinion logically, accurately and fluently in class discussions about the contents of the visual and reading materials studied in class;
Give a presentation based on a class project, conveying their views and employing an appropriate speech style;
Translate literary/audio visual texts between Japanese and English taking into account stylistic and cultural factors;
Write an essay in Japanese on a topic related to Japanese literature/film;
Demonstrate a basic knowledge of modern and contemporary Japanese literature and film, translation issues and techniques;
Use a range of online tools for research and communication in Japanese;
Develop independent research skills in relation to the analysis/translation of literary/audiovisual texts.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%