
A communicative course designed to further speaking and reading skills in German. The emphasis is on learning to use German correctly in discussing a variety of topics. Component 2 will focus on the highly productive artistic and intellectual developments in modern German and Austrian culture.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Mrs Jessica Lesjak

Unit Coordinator(s)

Mrs Jessica Lesjak


If this is your language entry point, this unit requires a language entry level test.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Upon successful completion of this subject you should have further extended and deepened their knowledge of the German language and German culture; improved their knowledge of the finer points of German grammar; extended their vocabulary as much as possible through wide reading of various types of texts, including television and radio materials; acquired practice in using German in both spoken and written form to discuss topics of current interest, based principally on the reading of a wide range of newspaper articles; become familiar with language containing varying degrees of dialect influence; acquired the ability to translate complicated, non-specialist German texts into idiomatic English, and to translate fairly complicated English texts into German. You should also have gained a knowledge of the relationship between the German language and its speakers, a knowledge of the differences between dialect and standard German, a knowledge of the phonetics of Modern Standard German and a knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet as applied to Modern Standard German. After completion of component 2 you should also have further gained:


an overview of the main periods, styles, genres, intellectual preoccupations and socio-historical trends in modern German literature;


the ability to recognise and analyse a variety of texts in accordance with the categories of genre, style and epoch;


reading skills necessary to understand advanced German;


essay-writing skills, an ability to engage in informed discussions of literature and culture, using appropriate terminology and applying the range of language skills pertinent to component 1.

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Exercise/s
2 - In-class test
3 - Oral test/assessment
4 - Portfolio
5 - Oral test/assessment
6 - In-class test
7 - Presentation
8 - In-class test
9 - Essay

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

European languages (German studies)
Cultural competence specialisation