
In this unit, you participate in learning practices and activities directly concerned with presentation skills as practiced in academic and professional environments. You are introduced to key performance presentation concepts and given the opportunity to practice and develop associated skills through facilitated workshops. The unit approaches the study and enhancement … For more content click the Read More button below. 1. Oral presentation: You will be introduced to vocal theory and practical exercises. Through workshops you are given the opportunity to develop vocal confidence and dexterity with focus on Mastering Language (English pronunciation), Expanding Voice, Refining Voice and Delivery (including microphone technique). 2. Physicality and Presence: You will be introduced to theory and practices in building confidence in physical presentation and gaining an understanding of stage presence. 3. Roleplaying and Teamwork: You are given the opportunity to apply your skills and develop strategies toward team tasks in professional and academic environments. Through these approaches, you not only engage with concepts from new perspectives, but apply, practice and develop skills through real world application.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Felix Nobis

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Felix Nobis


  • The unit has a domestic field trip component and may incur an additional cost.
  • This unit is taught either in intensive mode or across standard teaching periods. For intensive mode teaching dates, please refer to the non-standard dates website for the census date and information regarding financial penalties. 

  • This is an Arts enrichment unit.

  • This is a Bachelor of Arts - Professional Futures unit.

  • Permission from the Unit Coordinator is required to enrol into this unit.  

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Identify, discuss and apply theoretical concepts associated with vocal and physical presentation skills


Contribute meaningfully to group-tasks and reflect on key components of such contribution


Undertake collaborative projects with scholars from other disciplines


Utilise practical strategies to present findings in a range of academic and professional contexts with confidence and clarity

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Group Performance and Cluster Presentations
2 - Team presentations - Cultural Field Trip
3 - Individual presentations
4 - Reflections and Records

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Critical performance studies
Arts enrichment units