
Sustainability plays a key role in shaping Italy and its global appeal. This unit enables you to foster a critical perspective on sustainability issues through engagement with a range of cultural and creative industries, engagement with local experts, and community. You will be exposed to timely sustainable cross-disciplinary projects that … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit does not require any knowledge of Italian. If you are completing a minor or major in Italian you are strongly encouraged to utilise your Italian language skills through assessment in Italian (appropriate to your language level).




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Samuele Grassi

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Samuele Grassi


  • This unit is an international study program at Prato that requires an application to be enrolled and may incur additional cost.
  • This unit is taught either in intensive mode or across standard teaching periods. For intensive mode teaching dates, please refer to the non-standard dates website for the census date and information regarding financial penalties.

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Exercise/s
2 - Analytical exercise
3 - Pitch
4 - Individual report

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

European languages