Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
If this is your language entry point, this unit requires a language entry level test.
Learning outcomes
Understand simple dialogues and monologues on familiar topics with an expanding range of expressions, including expressions of politeness (keigo).
Read and understand simply written texts in an expanding range of genres including polite letters, personal diaries and fictional narratives, with some assistance.
Interact in common casual and formal contexts, using forms practiced in class including keigo; explain personal experiences using forms such as passive, causative, and conditional clauses.
Write an essay using a range of Japanese sources and a wider range of vocabulary, sentence patterns and kanji with some guidance.
Recognise and write approx. 90 new kanji (317 kanji in total by the end of this unit).
Further demonstrate knowledge of a range of aspects related to Japanese society and culture.
Demonstrate intercultural skills which include awareness of and sensitivity to cultural differences and similarities through comparison and reflection on students' own cultures and societies
Further develop independent research skills to find relevant information about an essay topic; organise, synthesise and analyse the information and communicate it in written and oral form.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%