
A communicatively oriented German language course. Specifically, students will work through a range of topics including the world of fairy tales, education, work, crime, personal relationships, migration and the environment. An examination of modern German culture in a socio-historical context through the study of selected texts. This component will familiarise … For more content click the Read More button below.






Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Associate Professor Christiane Weller

Unit Coordinator(s)

Associate Professor Christiane Weller


If this is your language entry point, this unit requires a language entry level test.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Upon successful completion of component 1 of this subject together with its sequel in semester 2, you should have further developed your communicative competence in German. You should improve your accuracy and fluency in spoken and written German, particularly in relation to the production of longer texts. At the end of both semesters, you should be familiar with all of the basic grammatical concepts in German. After completion of component 2 you should have gained:


a basic understanding of the main periods, styles, genres, intellectual preoccupations and socio-historical trends in German literature from the late eighteenth century to the early nineteenth century;


the ability to recognise and analyse a variety of texts in accordance with the categories of genre, style and epoch;


reading skills necessary to understand intermediate German;


basic essay-writing skills and an ability to engage in informed discussion of German culture, using appropriate terminology and applying the range of language skills pertinent to component 1.

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Language exercise/s
2 - In class test
3 - Oral test/assessment
4 - Portfolio
5 - Oral test/assessment
6 - In class test
7 - Presentation
8 - In class test
9 - Essay

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources

Availability in areas of study

German studies