Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
If this is your language entry point, this unit requires a language entry level test.
Learning outcomes
Express themselves, both orally and in writing, correctly, fluently and appropriately, on a wide range of topics and in the different contexts studied in the oral and written expression component of the unit which are as follows: situations in which instructions are given or requested, situations in which events are retold and chronological information provided, or refused, situations in which discourse is reported, described or commented upon, situations in which proposals are made and accepted or rejected, situations in which discourse has to be structured logically and hypotheses formulated, situations in which logical arguments are conveyed, accepted or refuted, situations in which information is processed, ideas presented or reported orally, situations in which ideas are presented or reported in writing.
Understand and demonstrate understanding of written, audio and video documents.
Demonstrate explicit competence in French grammar in the areas reviewed.
Demonstrate competence in the use of language reference material.
Demonstrate autonomous learning strategies. Socio-cultural awareness:
Acquired a greater critical knowledge and understanding of modern and contemporary French society, its culture, values and their evolution.
Developed a critical understanding of a specific area of study of French studies as a discipline addressing French culture and society.
Developed an explicit understanding and more sophisticated competence appropriate to their year level in the theory, practices and discourses involved in analysis of that area of French studies.
Developed individual and cooperative research skills.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%