
The unit consists of two sections: language and culture. Language: The unit provides an introduction to the basic language skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing (Level A1 of the European language framework). Culture: An overview of contemporary Italian social and political history and culture with a focus on national … For more content click the Read More button below. This unit is specifically designed for those students who have little or no knowledge of the language.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Samuele Grassi

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Samuele Grassi


  • This unit is an international study program at Prato that requires an application to be enrolled and may incur additional cost.
  • This unit is taught either in intensive mode or across standard teaching periods. For intensive mode teaching dates, please refer to the non-standard dates website for the census date and information regarding financial penalties.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

listen, speak, read and write basic Italian with reference to present, past and future events in a range of everyday situations;


read basic authentic texts for gist or for specific information;


identify the basic structural aspects of Italian;


recognise and utilise language learning and communication strategies;


critically analyse issues relating to Italy's collective national imagination;


search, identify, evaluate and utilise reliable digital and social-media resources for the study of Italian history, culture and society.

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Cultural exercises
2 - Portfolio
3 - Languages exercises
4 - In Class Test
5 - Oral Test/Assessment

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
International study tour cost estimate for planning purposes - $4,300
Expenses of a personal nature (e.g. visas, entrance fees, meals etc.) may also be at participant's expense unless specifically included in the tour arrangements.

Availability in areas of study

Italian studies
International studies