Mode and location
Learning outcomes
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.
Students in the double degree course achieve the Course Learning Outcomes of the two partner courses.
Professional recognition
The specialisations in this course are accredited by professional bodies. Refer to Professional recognition for information.
Double degree courses include the features of the component degree courses, except that electives may be reduced.
D3001 Bachelor of Education (Honours) is a specialist course that develops through the four themes of education studies, curriculum studies, discipline studies and professional experience. The nature and proportion of units required among these themes will differ depending upon your specialisation.
Part A. Education studies
These studies are the nexus for the Bachelor of Education (Honours) course and focus on the core discipline of education including an examination of the learning and teaching relationship, fostering of positive behaviour, and classroom practice. You will build your professional skills, knowledge and understanding of teaching through a process of personal inquiry into effective teaching practices. These units will challenge you to consider global and local influences on education to ensure the relevance of your teaching. You will build a deep understanding of learners, families, schools and communities. Societal trends are explored as well as how to effectively engage local communities, parents and carers. In the final year of the course you will consider your personal role as a change agent in the profession. You will consider how you may contribute to continuous improvement through processes of professional learning and individual and collaborative leadership efforts, as you transition from a pre-service to beginning teacher.
Part B. Curriculum studies
With a focus on the Victorian curriculum, these units will provide you with the discipline specific pedagogies, covering Years 7–10 curriculum, as well as specific pedagogy appropriate for teaching to Year 12 in a particular discipline/s. Through these studies, you will develop the knowledge and skills you will need to become a skilled and effective educator who is able to draw on an ever-growing and flexible repertoire of strategies to suit particular children, educational contexts and learning outcomes. You will learn how to design, plan and implement engaging learning experiences in order to meet diverse learners' needs. You will develop your own knowledge and skills in key learning areas relevant to the educational level of your specialisation, deepening your understanding of teaching and learning strategies, theories and practices related to the subjects you will be teaching.
If you are enrolled in the Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education course, you will be prepared to teach in two secondary teaching areas. You will also be required to successfully complete a unit that develops skills in teaching literacy and numeracy across the curriculum, ensuring you have the skills and abilities to share in the responsibility of educating literate and numerate learners.
Part C. Discipline studies
The discipline studies units are designed to develop your content knowledge in the key learning areas that you will be teaching in schools or other education settings. Offered as integrated curriculum/discipline studies in the Early Childhood-Primary and Primary specialisations, and as a standalone discipline studies sequence in all other specialisations, these units will provide you with a focused sequence of study, that will deepen and advance your knowledge in your teaching specialist areas. The number of units completed in this sequence is unique to each specialisation and accordingly aligns and reflects the different needs of the Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary school sectors.
Part D. Professional experience
The professional experience opportunities, which are integral to this course, have been designed as a developmental learning sequence that you will engage with at every stage of your course. The professional experience component is an opportunity for you to build connections between the education, curriculum and discipline theme unit content and apply these in a professional context. You will operate within a particular social and legislative environment unique to your placement setting, and you will interact with sector professionals as you work collaboratively with them whilst on placement. An opportunity to further explore these professional elements is facilitated through the Teaching Performance Assessment.
S2000 Bachelor of Science is a comprehensive course and it will provide you with a broad, general science education, as well as specialist training in one or more science disciplines. This course is structured in three equal parts. In the double degree course you complete:
Part A. Science specified study
This will provide you with the mathematical or statistical foundation for your study of science and address the nature of science and its communication. It will also expose you to different science disciplines contributing breadth to your understanding of science and giving you the opportunity to learn about several disciplines before finalising your choice of major.
Part B. Science listed major
This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your expertise in one discipline area. You will learn to develop, apply and communicate an advanced level of understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that constitute the knowledge base of the discipline.
The course progression maps provide guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.
Please refer to this guide when choosing the appropriate level one mathematics and statistics unit.
204 credit points
Alternative exit(s)
You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with either Bachelor of Education Studies or Bachelor of Science or both, provided you have satisfied the following requirements:
- Bachelor of Education Studies* (D2001) after successful completion of 144 credit points of study, including a minimum of 96 credit points of education units including a minimum of 48 credit points at Level 3 or higher.
- Bachelor of Science (S2000) after successful completion of 144 credit points of study, including all of the requirements in Part A and B for the Bachelor of Science.
- Both Bachelor of Education Studies* (D2001) and Bachelor of Science (S2000) after successful completion of 192 credit points of study, including all of the requirements in Part A and B for the Bachelor of Science.
* This exit award does not qualify you to be registered or employed as a teacher in Australia.
Note: You cannot exit with a Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Primary Education or Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Secondary Education.
Additional information
Organisational contact information
Monash Connect: 1800 MONASH (1800 666 274)