
Physics is the study of space and time, matter and energy. By carrying out experiments and developing conceptual models, physicists seek to provide a fundamental understanding of how our physical universe works. Physics ranges from the very practical, such as developing biomedical-imaging and optoelectronic devices, to asking curiosity-driven questions about … For more content click the Read More button below. Physics at Monash covers the full spectrum of subjects, from atom optics to x-ray science. You will have access to world-leading researchers and facilities, including the $175M New Horizons Research Centre. We are also developing new ways of teaching physics and astronomy. At first year this centres on the Physics and Astronomy Collaborative-learning Environment (PACE). First year classes are held in the PACE Studios which are custom-designed to encourage independent learning, and to promote the problem solving, effective communication and teamwork highly valued by employers. We are forging a community of students who are pro-active learners, able to apply their knowledge and skills in creative ways. Physics graduates have varied and diverse career options. They may work as medical physicists in hospitals, as patent examiners, in the financial, business and government sectors. They may work in research roles for universities, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), the Australian Synchrotron, and the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO). Physicists are also found working in the renewable energy sector, science teaching, climate modelling and science communication. AvailabilityPhysics is listed in S2000 Bachelor of Science, S3001 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) and S3002 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) at Clayton as a major, extended major and minor.

Progression to a major in Physics
You must complete PHS2061 and PHS2062 to progress to Level 3 Physics units; PHS2081 can also be included in the major. You must complete MTH2010 and MTH2032 prior to enrolling in Level 3 Physics units.

Engineering students: You should complete ENG2005 and MTH2040 prior to enrolling in Level 3 Physics units, except if you are in the specialisation Software engineering, in which case you complete MTH2010 and MTH2032.

24 credit points

Supporting studies in Mathematics
Level 1 units12 credit points



Dr Alexis Bishop
Associate Professor Paul Lasky
Dr Scott Findlay

Organisational contacts

Dr Paul Lasky (Level 1) 
Dr Scott Findlay (Level 2) 
Dr Alexis Bishop (Level 3)