
Enrolment in a master's by research degree involves the independent investigation of a research problem that has been formulated by you as the student. It is expected that the research you undertake will make a contribution to the discipline in which you are enrolled by applying, critiquing, analysing or interpreting … For more content click the Read More button below.


Conditions of enrolment

You will be required to complete:

  • Monash Graduate Research Induction (online)
  • Research Integrity (online)
  • Respectful research at Monash
  • Cultural Foundations: Building your knowledge of Australia's First Peoples (online)
  • any faculty or program induction requirements.

In addition, students may be required to undertake occupational health and safety training.

As a student of the university, you will be required to abide by all relevant statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. This includes maintaining satisfactory progress via regular milestone reviews in accordance with the Graduate Research Progress Management policy and procedures, ensuring you are undertaking research of an appropriate quality and scale as required by your course. You should refer to the University's current statutes and the University Policy Bank for links to relevant policies, procedures and guidelines.

Mode and location

Off campus
On campus

Learning outcomes

These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:


Successful completion of the program will signify that the student has successfully completed a course of postgraduate training in research under academic supervision, and has submitted a thesis that the examiners have declared to be a contribution to knowledge and which demonstrates the student's capacity to carry out independent research.


The course learning outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework level 9


Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that students will be able to:

  1. identify and define research questions
  2. identify the appropriate research methods to address the research questions
  3. demonstrate mastery of your chosen research methodology/methodologies
  4. demonstrate theoretical knowledge at master's level in your chosen field of research
  5. communicate your research findings in a format appropriate to your academic discipline
  6. write up your research into a high quality thesis
  7. contribute new information or new ways of understanding information in the field of research


Course requirements

You must, in consultation with and under the direct supervision of a member/s of the academic staff:

  1. carry out a program of research on an agreed topic approved by the faculty in your chosen discipline for a specified period, including attending and/or presenting at seminars and other related activities as indicated by the faculty
  2. submit for assessment a thesis of not more than 35,000 words on the program of research which meets the requirements of the examiners. Submission of a thesis including published works may be permitted.
  3. satisfactorily complete 60 hours of professional development training.

Progression to further studies

You may apply to transfer to a PhD after a defined period (usually 9-12 months enrolment, full-time or equivalent), provided that satisfactory progress has been made and certain conditions are met.

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