
Technological advancements have changed almost every aspect of our lives, including mental health. In this unit you will learn about the potential dangers and promises of living in an ever-growing digital world. You will gain an understanding of problematic behaviours associated with digital technology that can have a negative impact … For more content click the Read More button below. It is inevitable that digital approaches will become more widely used and accepted for mental health issues across healthcare and education sectors. This unit will therefore lay foundation knowledge for future study and professional careers within the area of mental health diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and recovery across the lifespan.  




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Mr Darren Haywood

Unit Coordinator(s)

Laura Bell

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Identify the different types of digital technologies that have the potential to impact mental health and wellbeing


Articulate current and future trends regarding the use of digital technology to support mental health and wellbeing in diverse populations and environments.


Critically and systematically analyse the strengths and shortfalls of specific digital technologies in relation to mental health and wellbeing.


Use technology to communicate knowledge about the influence of specific digital technologies on mental health and wellbeing.


Apply concepts, theories and models learned in this unit, including ethical standards, to produce digital intervention recommendations to support the mental health and wellbeing of diverse populations.


1 - Digital Mental Health Foundations Test Series (30 min x 3)
2 - Group Presentation (800 x 2,000 infographic & 20 min oral presentation)
3 - Patient Care Plan (2,000 words

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements
