Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Apply critical appraisal, critical reasoning and critical thinking skills to occupational therapy scenario-based learning
Clearly articulate to clients the specialist contribution of occupational therapy to health service intervention
Describe occupational justice issues in the allocation and distribution of resources within services
Recognise the rights of consumers and carers and integrate their lived experience of health needs into service planning and delivery
Apply key theoretical models of human occupation to client-centred occupational therapy assessment, and goal setting
Appraise occupational therapy assessment tools and apply them in clinical contexts to evaluate occupational performance and occupational engagement
Describe and apply the principles of occupational analysis and grading and adaptation of occupations to a therapy situation
Locate, retrieve and use resources to inform decision making about health and occupational issues.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Supplementary assessment is not available for this unit. Check the supplementary assessments page for details about exemptions.