
This unit will prepare you for occupational therapy professional practice and includes applying clinical reasoning in relation to the practice activities you will engage in. You will apply theoretical knowledge to the practice environment, learn to gather relevant client information, demonstrate client-centred practice, and basic documentation skills (including writing assessment … For more content click the Read More button below. You will also complete seven days (or equivalent) of simulated clinical placement to develop self-management skills; communication skills with clients, co-workers, and other key stakeholders; information gathering and documentation skills; ability to work in a team; and client centred and reflective practice skills. You will be provided with feedback and guided to reflect on and in practice within both academic and clinical contexts.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Jess Archer
Dr Aislinn Lalor

Unit Coordinator(s)

Jess Archer


Students must meet the placement mandatory requirements and upload all supporting documents as per instructions from the faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and School of Primary and Allied Health Care guidelines and instructions.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Apply the principles of client-centred practice, the clinical reasoning process, and self-reflective practice, to occupational therapy practice.


Apply key human occupation theoretical models and frameworks relevant to occupational therapy practice and daily living environments.


Explain the occupational therapy role relevant to different professional practice settings and key stakeholders.


Apply knowledge and principles of accessible environments relevant to home environment evaluation, designing technical drawings, and providing recommendations for home modifications.


Select, administer, appraise, and critique assessment tools and assessment methods used in occupational therapy practice.




Demonstrate abilities to apply knowledge and skills for information gathering, evaluation, goal setting, professional documentation, and planning, relevant to occupational therapy assessment.

Assessment summary

Assessment in this unit includes hurdle assessment tasks. Failure of any hurdle assessment task may result in failure of the unit.

Supplementary assessment is not available for this unit. Check the supplementary assessments page for details about exemptions.


1 - Portfolio (Essay-1,000 words; video demonstration; oral presentation-8 mins in pairs)
2 - Home assessment report (1,500 words and sketch and technical drawing)
3 - Simulated placement fieldwork workbook (3,000 - 3,500 words)
4 - Professional performance (Simulated placement activities)

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities

Applied sessions

Workload requirements
