Leadership toward sustainable development requires you to address complex problems that are often systemic and politically charged. This unit will empower you to make sense of large complex systems, use structured processes to influence change, and develop innovative ideas to create sustainable outcomes for real-world situations.
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Having built this strategic understanding, you will then gain tactics and tools to innovate and influence change. You’ll practice with industry-relevant methods and develop personal skills required to succeed across sectors and scales. These include collaborative processes, system mapping, creative visioning, rapid prototyping of ideas, advocacy and winning support for your initiatives.
Enrolment Rule
Chief Examiner(s)
Associate Professor Annette Bos
Unit Coordinator(s)
Mr David Robertson
Associate Professor Annette Bos
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:
Investigate, interpret and assess selected societal change theories, methods and debates;
Apply systems thinking theory and tools to make sense of complex real-world situations;
Evaluate interactions between organisations, communities and their social and political contexts and identify factors which encourage or support sustainable outcomes;
Critically analyse, select and use processes to innovate and influence toward system change at different scales (e.g. community, organisational, institutional, political;
Design, develop and persuasively communicate a change intervention for a real-world sustainability challenge.
Teaching approach
Online learning
Case-based teaching
Peer assisted learning
Problem-based learning
Role play
1 - Assignment 1: System diagram
2 - Elevator Pitch
3 - Change intervention (Proposal)
4 - Ongoing learning
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Recommended resources
Technology resources
Availability in areas of study
Leadership for sustainable development
International development practice
International development practice