
This unit provides a fundamental understanding of the science, policy and regulatory frameworks relating to the nexus between climate change, renewable and non-renewable energy resources. The physical science, climate models, projections and impacts are discussed along with national and international climate change policy and regulatory aspects. The unit will develop … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit will involve site visits to both renewable (solar arrays and wind farms) and non-renewable energy generation facilities. To facilitate these understandings visits will also be made, for example, to local government authorities in Victoria dealing with climate change vulnerabilities and assessments. The critical links between climate change, climate change impacts and human security are emphasised throughout the unit.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Ailie Gallant

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Ailie Gallant

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Articulate the fundamental scientific principles and issues related to climate change, including the differences between mitigation and adaptation policies, to a multidisciplinary audience.


Critically analyse contemporary issues and debates in climate change science and demonstrate a practical understanding of the outputs, assumptions and limitations of climate change modelling, especially as it relates to scenario development.


Demonstrate the ability to research, construct and deliver professional scientific evidence-based proposals, technical reports, articles and policy documents.


Identify appropriate strategies and tools for climate change planning, management and impact assessment.


Apply effective communication skills to collaborate across academia, government and non-governmental and corporate organisations and negotiate diverse perspectives on relevant topics.

Teaching approach

Active learning


1 - Assessment task 1: Reflective pieces (individual)
2 - Assessment task 2: Whole class debate (group)
3 - Assessment task 3: Mini quizzes (individual)
4 - Assessment task 4: Vulnerability assessment case study (group)
5 - Assessment task 5: Research paper (individual)

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Learning resources

Recommended resources

Availability in areas of study

Environmental security