Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Apply concepts in instrumental analysis, including accuracy and precision, sensitivity, selectivity, detection limit and dynamic range;
Describe the principles and applications of spectroscopic techniques such as infra-red, Raman, UV/Visible absorption and fluorescence, and mass spectrometry;
Demonstrate knowledge of electrochemical techniques for chemical analysis;
Distinguish the need for, and uses of, separation techniques such as gas and liquid chromatography;
Evaluate a range of instrumental methods and how different instruments operate;
Compare and contrast a number of case studies illustrating the many and varied uses of modern instrumentation for solving analytical problems;
Use database searching and retrieval for compound identification;
Demonstrate expertise in the manipulation of chemicals, the use of chemical analysis techniques, risk assessment and the use of modern information technologies and data analysis;
Work in small groups and be competent in the written and oral presentation of scientific data, including in the context of a Moot-court scenario.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Supplementary assessment is not available if a specific assessment in this unit is failed. Check the supplementary assessments page for details about exemptions.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
- Costs are indicative and subject to change
- Lab coat required - $35
- safety glasses $8
- Lab book $3
Availability in areas of study
Medicinal chemistry