Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Understand the benefits and limitations of evidence based medicine
Perform a comprehensive search of the medical literature
Describe quantitative techniques for data collection and basic analysis for reporting data
Critically appraise studies of therapy, harm, diagnosis and prognosis
Interpret information generated by systematic reviews Emergency and Trauma Research Methods
Create a research question amenable to rigorous scientific investigation
Design a research protocol
Justify the selection of the research methodology
Identify ethical issues related to the proposed study
Transform information gathered as part of the proposed study into usable data for scientific analysis Emergency and Trauma Clinical Leadership and Management
Implement a robust and defensible approach to clinical leadership in the emergency and trauma context;
Apply a critically reflective approach towards the management of human resources' issues in the emergency and trauma context;
Positively influence key stakeholders within the emergency and trauma context
Critically evaluate quality improvement measures in the emergency and trauma context
Apply high-level analytical and leadership skills in relation to the implementation of a range of health care projects of relevance to the emergency and trauma context ; Trauma Theory and Practice
Implement specialist medical diagnostic skills during the assessment and management of trauma patients
Apply specialist trauma medical knowledge and skills to the resuscitation of the critically injured trauma patient
Critically apply an evidence-based approach towards the implementation of medical procedural and technical skills required in the trauma setting
Integrate trauma medical theory with practical experience across a range of patient cases and situations
Apply a critically reflective approach towards the management of trauma patients