Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Determine dynamic trajectories using kinematic approaches.
Analyse the behaviour of a dynamic system using computational methods.
Appraise the available mathematical approaches to model dynamic systems.
Determine the equations of motion of a dynamic system using a range of fundamental approaches.
Assessment summary
Continuous assessment: 40%
Final assessment: 60%
This unit contains a hurdle requirement that you must achieve to be able to pass the unit. You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component and at least 45% in the final assessment component. The consequence of not achieving a hurdle requirement is a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Electronics, calculators and tools, at your own cost:
- You are required to have a Faculty-approved scientific calculator - approximately $50
Availability in areas of study
Mechatronics engineering (Pre-2020)
Robotics and mechatronics engineering