Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Understand the role of partial differential equations in the mathematical modelling of physical processes;
Solve a range of first-order partial differential equations including using the 'method of characteristics';
Appreciate the properties of the three basic types of linear second-order partial differential equations, including suitable initial and/or boundary conditions;
Understand the mathematical properties of the diffusion equation, wave equation and Laplace's equation and solve them exactly under some simple conditions;
Analyse and interpret simple applications modelled by the advection equation, diffusion equation and Laplace's equation;
Understand the principles of finite-difference approximation of ordinary and partial differential equations and appreciate the advantages and disadvantages of a range of useful numerical techniques, including their stability;
Evaluate numerical solutions of some partial differential equations using computers, and display those results graphically.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Miscellaneous items required (unit course reader, printing, stationery) - $120.
Availability in areas of study
Financial and insurance mathematics
Mathematical statistics
Pure mathematics