Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Explain the mechanisms that enable cells to move in response to external stimuli.
Discuss the way in which DNA is replicated within the cell, the mechanisms for maintaining DNA integrity and the implications of acquiring errors in the DNA sequence.
Outline the mechanisms that drive gene expression and the way in which gene expression is regulated.
Illustrate how our understanding of cellular and molecular processes is enhanced through the use of animal models, microscopy and laboratory techniques.
Demonstrate skills in laboratory techniques relevant to cell and molecular biology, and the ability to analyse experimental data by integrating concepts and knowledge.
Demonstrate an ability to research original published scientific literature and effectively communicate the findings either orally or in writing.
Work effectively as a member of a team.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Availability in areas of study
Molecular biology