
This unit looks at the working of the European Union and the European markets. It focuses on the economic and business challenges for actors operating in this market and how they interact with the global economy. The monetary union of Europe represents the most significant economic experiment ever attempted in … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit uses a chronological approach to unfold the dynamic and critical issues of the European economy. It also provides a strategic perspective on issues facing multinationals doing business in Europe - such as the states' differences in business operations, intellectual property rights, and regulations - with insights into successful business models. You will have the opportunity to work in groups and discuss historical facts, business opportunities, and economic policy, to gain an understanding of how the European market works, and how it affects business strategy of market participants.




Chief Examiner(s)

Professor Michael Ward

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

understand the key historical steps of the European Union and the monetary union


understand the strategic operations of business operating in the European community


comprehend the complexity of the European Union and the economic challenges that businesses and countries will have to face to reach a perfect integration


develop a strategic perspective on issues facing multinationals doing business in Europe, with insights into successful business models.


1 - Within semester assessment

Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources