
In this unit you will learn how energy and associated environmental markets work (e.g. carbon markets), and the regulatory mechanisms that have been used or are available to achieve desired policy goals. Energy market policy often attempts to simultaneously achieve environmental, reliability and affordability goals – goals that usually work … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit uses an electricity market game as a primary teaching tool. In the game, you will play the role of electricity generators and retailers in order to gain an understanding of how market rules (including carbon emission regulations and renewable energy mandates) affect the business strategy of market participants; and in turn economic and environmental outcomes. This hands-on participation will provide you with the opportunity to understand the economic incentives faced by energy market participants and the challenges faced by regulators.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Gordon Leslie

Teaching approach

Problem-based learning


1 - Within semester assessment
2 - Examination

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements
