This minor has had one or more changes made to it since publication on 1 October 2020. For details of changes, please consult the 2021 Change register.
The Sustainable engineering minor equips engineers with the knowledge and skills to understand the interplay between the environment and human activities. The goal … For more content click the Read More button below.
AvailabilityThe Sustainable engineering minor is available only to students enrolled in the single degree Bachelor of Engineering (Honours), except those completing the Biomedical engineering specialisation, the Environmental engineering specialisation or the Software engineering specialisation.
You must complete 96 credit points (including ENG2005) prior to undertaking the minor.
If you plan to take CHE3163 in the minor, you must also have completed CHE2162 prior to undertaking the minor.
24 credit points
Studying Chemical engineering specialisation24 credit points
Studying other engineering specialisations24 credit points
Associate Professor Andrew Hoadley