Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Scheduled teaching activities and/or workload information are subject to change in response to COVID-19, please check your Unit timetable and Unit Moodle site for more details.
Learning outcomes
Gain greater insight into the worthiness of the ultrasound and medical literature and the veracity of new knowledge as it applies to clinical practice;
Gain experience in identifying research problems in medical ultrasound and developing a research plan that will assist in the resolution of the research question;
Develop knowledge and understanding of the practical, technical and management issues associated with the design and conduct of a research project;
Gain experience in identifying ethical aspects of a research project and the subsequent process of gaining Ethics Approval;
Develop skills in applying a particular research method to the resolution of a research question;
Develop skills in logical and critical thought and analysis;
Develop skills in the process whereby the development of new knowledge and understanding can be communicated in a coherent manner to a wider professional audience;
Gain skills in self organisation in terms of the completion of a project within a set time frame; and
Develop the capacity to extend the critical, ethical and creative stance to the clinical setting.