Maintenance planning and control, objectives of the maintenance department, availability of plant, types of failures, types of maintenance and maintenance strategies. Structures of maintenance departments, job descriptions of maintenance personnel, communication within the maintenance function, use of multi-skilled maintenance personnel to reduce resourcing difficulties. Documentation and computer control systems, selection … For more content click the Read More button below.
Chief Examiner(s)
Associate Professor Christopher Thompson
Unit Coordinator(s)
Dr Indra Gunawan
This unit is not offered in 2020.
Assessment summary
Assignments: 50%
Examination: 50%
You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component (assignments, tests, mid-semester exams, laboratory reports) and at least 45% in the final examination component and an overall mark of 50% to achieve a pass grade in the unit. If you fail to achieve this requirement, you will be given a maximum of 45% in the unit.
Workload requirements