Chief Examiner(s)
For postgraduate Law discontinuation dates, please see http://www.monash.edu/law/current-students/postgraduate/pg-jd-discontinuation-dates
For postgraduate Law unit timetables, please see http://law.monash.edu.au/current-students/course-unit-information/timetables/postgraduate/index.html
Previously coded as LAW7320
Learning outcomes
Apply knowledge and understanding of recent developments in relation to Terrorism and Human Rights with creativity and initiative to new situations in professional practice and/or for further learning;
Investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems, concepts and theories in relation to Terrorism and Human Rights;
Conduct research in Terrorism and Human Rights based on knowledge of appropriate research principle and methods; and
Use cognitive, technical and creative skills to generate and evaluate at an abstract level complex ideas and concepts relevant to Terrorism and Human Rights.
Assessment summary
Research paper (3,750 words): 50%
Take-home examination (3,750 words): 50%