Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Scheduled teaching activities and/or workload information are subject to change in response to COVID-19, please check your Unit timetable and Unit Moodle site for more details.
This unit is part B of a two-part unit and must be taken in conjunction with part A (EDF5161).
Learning outcomes
Acquire a sound understanding of key theoretical and pedagogical perspectives and issues in the teaching of mathematics as a subject discipline in secondary schools in Australia and internationally
Translate conceptual ideas and processes about mathematics into classroom learning activities for students
Develop competence in planning and implementing lessons and units of work, including assessment strategies, that may be suitable for the diverse social and cultural backgrounds and experiences of students
Explore ways of facilitating students in their explorations of their own questions and investigations
Develop an understanding of a constructivist perspective on learning and its implications and a variety of assessment techniques available for use in mathematics education classrooms
Become sensitised to the real world of the learners in your classrooms and develop an appreciation for providing learning experiences that are meaningful to students
Develop, through experience and personal inquiry of a variety of learning and teaching strategies, a personal approach to teaching mathematics.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Availability in areas of study
Primary and secondary education
Primary and secondary inclusive education
Secondary education
Secondary health and physical education
For D6001:
Primary and secondary education
Secondary education