Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Within this unit students engage in a range of studio design projects which have quota restrictions. For distribution into studio project groups, consideration will be given to student preference forms, academic performance, and previous design studio experiences. Weighted Average Mark (WAM) may be taken into account to ensure there is an even distribution of students in the studio project groups. Studio project group allocation will be decided by the Program Coordinator and Chief Examiner of the unit.
Learning outcomes
Demonstrate a progression to a refined level of competence in architectural design;
Demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and successfully respond to the complex range of issues inherent in an architectural design project;
Demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how observation, analysis, experiment and critique apply to the architectural design process;
Demonstrate an advanced level of competence and consolidation of all presentation skills: verbal, graphic and 3-dimensional;
Understand and be able to apply the rules of occupational health and safety appropriate to the unit of study.
Assessment summary
100% in-semester assessment
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Architecture Studios generally involve project work with the expectation that other subject costs will range between $500 to $1000 dependant on the scale and scope of the project. Additional subject costs may include supplies, models, printing, and specialist software as needed.
Students will be notified of material and levy requirements by their staff on a project-by-project basis.
Studios are balloted and cover a range of diverse topics. The individual Architecture Design Studio Outline, provided at the first class meeting, will give detailed information of the project programme, readings, software, and equipment needed for this studio.
Students will be notified of any unusual software or equipment requirements at the balloting presentations. If you are uncertain, please discuss any issues with prospective tutors or the unit coordinator.
Study trips will incur additional costs and students will be notified of the anticipated costs at the ballot presentations.