Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Undertake and interpret independent research to demonstrate a critical and analytical understanding of the current scientific, social, corporate and/or political contexts of the project;
Execute a stakeholder analysis and appraise a range of needs to evaluate and illustrate the problem;
Integrate research into a professional report that articulates the problem and possible solutions and shows critical thinking and persuasive communication;
Use persuasive presentation skills to articulate the problem and possible solutions.
Assessment summary
Literature review (individual): 20%
Oral presentation (individual): 10%
Research project (individual): 70%
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
This unit involves project activity which may require students to travel to nearby locations, interstate and/or overseas. However, since all projects are different some may not involve a travel component. Projects may also require the use of Laboratory and/or secondary service providers.
Students may be involved in various tasks including Laboratory/fieldwork, conducting surveys and interviews.
Project funds are managed and approved by the Unit Coordinator and students will be reimbursed for expenses incurred while traveling on a pre-approved project trip. Expenses such as accommodation, transportation, and/or meals, will be reimbursed but students must provide supporting documentation, such as receipts, mileage log book etc. to facilitate this process and possible audit.
Project running costs such as Laboratory analysis, photocopying and Personal Protective Equipment, are met by the external collaborator.
Students travelling overseas may also be eligible for support from Monash Abroad and supporting documentation can be provided by the Unit Coordinator on request.