
Manifolds are topological spaces that are locally homeomorphic to Euclidean space. A differentiable structure on a manifold makes it possible to generalize many concepts from calculus in Euclidean spaces to manifolds. This is an course on differentiable manifolds and related basic concepts, which are the common ground for differential geometry, … For more content click the Read More button below. Foundational topics covered in the unit include: Smooth manifolds and coordinate systems, tangent and cotangent bundles, tensor bundles, tensor fields and differential forms, Lie derivatives, exterior differentiation, connections, covariant derivatives, curvature, and Stokes's Theorem. This unit will also cover advanced topics and applications such as: Degree Theory, de Rham cohomology, symplectic geometry, classical mechanics, the Hopf-Rinow theorem, Lie Groups and homogeneous spaces.


Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Brett Parker

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Brett Parker


This unit is offered in alternate years commencing Semester 2, 2019

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Apply expert differential geometric techniques to solve problems that arise in pure and applied mathematics.


Construct coherent and precise logical arguments.


Develop and extend current techniques in differential geometry so that they can be applied to new situations in novel ways.


Communicate complex ideas effectively.


Independently learn and assimilate new mathematical ideas and techniques.

Assessment summary

Examination (3 hours and 10 minutes): 60% (Hurdle)

Continuous assessment: 40%

Hurdle requirement: If you would otherwise have passed the unit but who do not achieve at least 45% of the marks available for the end-of-semester examination will receive a Hurdle Fail (NH) grade and a mark of 45 on your transcript.

This unit is offered at both Level 4 and Level 5, differentiated by the level of the assessment. If you are enrolled in MTH5111 you will be expected to demonstrate a higher level of learning in this subject than those enrolled in MTH4111. The assignments and exam in this unit will use some common items from the MTH4111 assessment tasks, in combination with several higher level questions and tasks.

Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Master of Mathematics