Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Appreciate the need for advanced approximate methods in applied mathematics when exact solutions are not available and for when numerical solution requires asymptotic boundary conditions
Formally explain the meanings of asymptotic relations and be able to apply them in comparing particular functions
Use sophisticated asymptotic methods to obtain local and global approximate solutions to a variety of problems arising in applied mathematics
Employ regular and singular perturbation methods to obtain approximate solutions of problems containing small parameters
Recognize and apply the mathematical concepts and tools underlying the evolution of nonlinear dynamical systems and the transition to chaos.
Assessment summary
Examination (3 hours and 10 minutes): 50% (Hurdle)
Continuous assessment: 50%
Hurdle requirement: If you would otherwise have passed the unit but who do not achieve at least 45% of the marks available for the end-of-semester examination will receive a Hurdle Fail (NH) grade and a mark of 45 on your transcript.
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Miscellaneous items required (Printing, Stationery)- $100.