Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Scheduled teaching activities and/or workload information are subject to change in response to COVID-19, please check your Unit timetable and Unit Moodle site for more details.
Learning outcomes
Understand specific basic knowledge and display key technical skills in optimisation, model fitting, dynamical systems, and partial differential equations, and their applications;
Develop, apply, integrate and generate knowledge through abstraction and by using high-level critical thinking skills to analyse and solve mathematical problems;
Apply knowledge of mathematics and sound mathematical modelling to a range of applications across science, medicine, economics or engineering;
Collect, organise, analyse and interpret quantitative information meaningfully, using mathematical and/or statistical tools as appropriate to the sub-discipline of specialisation;
Demonstrate skills in the written and oral presentation of a mathematical argument that enable mathematical concepts, processes and results to be communicated effectively to diverse audiences;
Work both individually and collectively with staff and colleagues on the synthesis of mathematical knowledge and the application of mathematical skills to problem solving.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Miscellaneous items required (Unit course reader, Printing, Stationery) - $120.
Availability in areas of study
Mathematical statistics