
This unit introduces the methods of stochastic processes and statistics used in the analysis of biological data, physics, economics and engineering. At the completion of the unit you will understand the application of classical techniques, such as Poisson processes, Markov chains, hidden Markov chains, random walks, martingale theory, birth and … For more content click the Read More button below.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Associate Professor Kais Hamza

Unit Coordinator(s)

Associate Professor Kais Hamza

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Understand the idea of random variables varying with time;


Analyse Markov chains at the elementary level, in discrete and continuous time;


Understand key processes in probability, including the Poisson process, birth process, birth and death process, branching processes, random walks, martingales;


Apply the probability processes to practical situations, including queues, epidemics, servicing machines, networks, financial markets and insurance risk.

Assessment summary

Examination (3 hours and 10 minutes): 60% (Hurdle)

Continuous assessment: 40% (Hurdle)

Hurdle requirement: If you would otherwise have passed the unit but you do not achieve at least 45% in the end of semester written examination and continuous assessment you will receive a Hurdle Fail (NH) grade and a mark of 45 on your transcript.

Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Miscellaneous Items Required (Unit Course Reader,Printing, Stationery)- $120.

Availability in areas of study

Applied mathematics
Financial and insurance mathematics
Mathematical statistics
Pure mathematics