
This unit further consolidates and extends knowledge, and skills in medicine. Content encompasses the four themes of the Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (MD) curriculum: Theme I (Personal and Professional Development), Theme II (Society, Population, Health and Illness), Theme III (Scientific Basis of Clinical Practice) and Theme … For more content click the Read More button below. Learning approaches support students in integrating knowledge and skills relevant to common and significant illnesses and conditions from a systems based perspective. Students are expected to integrate and apply learning relevant to patient care and the practice of medicine. This unit provides the foundation for learning in clinical settings in later years of the course.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Ammu Radhakrishnan
Associate Professor Peter Barton

Unit Coordinator(s)

Associate Professor Amudha Kadirvelu
Dr Richard Loiacono

Assessment summary

  • Comprehensive integrated puzzle (2 hours) (5%)
  • OSCE assessment (8 stations, 10 minutes each) (30% total) (hurdle)
  • 2 x Mid-year examination (2 x 3 hours and 10 minutes) (25%) (hurdle)
  • 2 x End of year examination (2 x 3 hours and 10 minutes) (25%) (hurdle)
  • Vertically Integrated Assessment (VIA) written examination (3 hours) (15%) (hurdle)

Hurdle requirements:

  • You must attend a minimum of 80% of designated teaching activities to pass this unit.
  • You must complete all requisite on-line modules
  • You must pass the OSCE assessment and must pass the combined written examinations to pass this unit.
  • The Borderline Group method is used to determine the pass score and borderline range for the OSCE, and the Angoff method is used to determine the pass score and borderline range for the combined written examinations
  • This unit is designed to prepare you to become a registered and or professionally accredited practitioner and contains course level attendance requirements.  Failure to complete these requirements may result in failure of the unit.

Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Medicine and Surgery